Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

ICF CHAPTER BE is the Belgian Federation that supports the profession of Professional Coach in Belgium, under the auspices of ICF Global, the world federation in the USA. We defend and position the coaching profession with the authorities. ICF Belgium is a non-profit organisation and exists exactly 20 years in 2022 thanks to a lot of fantastic coaches who have contributed to this local ICF chapter over the past decades.

If you want to contribute one or more hours per week, just give us a call. Some projects last only a few months, others run over a year or more. To be clear, this is  a pro bono role and it will require only limited availability. You will be given flexibility and autonomy.

Thank you for sharing your talents, energy and some of your free time with our community of coaches!
What do you get in return? Discover our team and you will understand immediately!

A few teasers to draw your attention and enthusiasm:

- Do you have a project in mind that you would like to realise for our community?

- Do you have experience in marketing and communication, juggling with the new communication channels and techniques, social networks, contact, targeting and follow-up strategies?

- Are you familiar with the possibilities of LinkedIn, Zoom, Mailchimp, Facebook, Photoshop?

- Do you enjoy animating our network of members and non-members by means of attractive newsletters, court and publishing relevant articles, or by maintaining and developing our website?

- Can you imagine events that generate an accumulation of required points (CCEU) for the different levels of coaches' accreditation?

- Can you create exciting events that strengthen our sense of community?

- Do you have experience in public relations, do you have member satisfaction at heart, do you enjoy developing growth opportunities for our community? 

- Do you like to present seminars, webinars...?

Do you like to make contact with potential stakeholders in the interest of our community in Belgium?

- Do you have any other project in mind with a reasonable ROI?


Do not hesitate to contact us. Before you know it, you will find yourself in an educational, dynamic, creative and fun team of ICF volunteers with a mission: Together we empower the world through coaching!

Thank you again for sharing your talents with us!

Interested? Contact: pascale.perard@coachingfederation.be